An AI-powered tool for boosting ad ROI through effective management and optimization of Facebook and Google ads.
Madgicx is an Ecom Ad Cloud platform that empowers e-commerce brands and agencies to effectively manage and optimize their Facebook and Google ads to increase ad ROI. The platform utilizes the power of AI and ML to provide accurate performance data and autonomously optimize budgets and ads based on specific KPIs. With Madgicx, users can switch their focus from ad account management to creative planning, saving valuable time and resources. The platform has over 200,000 users and has been proven to deliver results within 1-2 days for e-commerce brands with annual revenues between $500K-$20M. Madgicx offers a comprehensive solution for tracking and attribution, ensuring accurate and actionable data for successful advertising campaigns. The platform also helps users prepare for a cookieless future, as it is ready to adapt to changes such as the disappearance of third-party cookies. With automation capabilities, Madgicx allows users to maximize their KPIs by leveraging AI and performance marketing best practices to optimize ad budgets across funnel stages and channels. The platform helps users incrementally increase their ad ROI while spending less time managing their ads. Madgicx also offers creative production features, allowing users to easily analyze and identify their best-performing creatives, generate unlimited designs with the help of AI-powered tools, and optimize their ad copy through AI-generated winning texts. The platform provides a visualization feature, enabling users to create their own performance dashboard or use industry-leading templates. Madgicx offers various products and features, including autonomous budget optimization, custom automation tactics, and white-labeling capabilities. The platform has received positive feedback from brands and agencies, showcasing its effectiveness in understanding audiences, improving ROAS, and saving valuable time. Madgicx offers a 7-day free trial, free training, and live chat support. Overall, Madgicx is a comprehensive and efficient platform that brings together AI, automation, and creative production to help e-commerce brands and agencies optimize their ad campaigns and drive results.