Tracks and indexes software libraries across social networks, helping discover trending open-source projects and their alternatives. It's a valuable resource to stay current in the programming domain.
LibHunt is a website that tracks mentions of software libraries on social networks. It provides a platform to discover trending open-source projects and their alternatives. Currently, the website has indexed 416,688 projects and 1,242,541 posts related to these projects. The popularity index of projects on the site is determined by the number of mentions, with a total of 1,773,652 mentions recorded. LibHunt covers a wide range of popular programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C++, C, Go, Rust, C#, Shell, Java, HTML, Lua, Jupyter Notebook, PHP, Ruby, Kotlin, Swift, CSS, Dart, PowerShell, Emacs Lisp, Vim Script, SCSS, Vue, and Haskell. The website also provides information about the top 20 projects by mentions, categorized by different time periods such as daily, weekly, monthly, and stars. Additionally, LibHunt offers insights into popular topics such as React, Android, Linux, NodeJS, Docker, CLI, Machine Learning, iOS, Windows, API, MacOS, Security, Kubernetes, Game, Database, Deep Learning, UI, Web, CSS, Testing, ReactJS, Neovim, Data, AWS, and HTML. LibHunt is a valuable resource for developers and programmers looking to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and alternatives in the open-source community.