Offers bespoke B2B data to shorten sales cycles and increase lead counts for companies.
LeadGenius is a growth automation platform that offers bespoke B2B data and helps companies shorten their sales cycles, reach more leads, and close more opportunities faster. They provide personalized datasets and insights specifically tailored for mid-market and enterprise-level companies. LeadGenius stands out because they deliver on-demand precision datasets and smarter insights, rather than relying on the same pre-built data that everyone else has access to. They have delivered over 21,000 custom data sets, resulting in a 42% increase in total addressable market (TAM) and a 9.1x return on investment (ROI). By combining B2B data, data outsourcing, and robotic process automation, LeadGenius offers a comprehensive solution for growth automation. Companies using LeadGenius's growth automation see 2x faster sales cycles, 10x more qualified leads, and 50% more efficient salespeople. They have received positive feedback from customers who have achieved significant results, such as creating opportunities worth over $3 million in processing volume and achieving a 9x ROI. LeadGenius also provides resources, case studies, and B2B sales insights to support their customers' growth. They aim to enable B2B sales and marketing organizations to connect with prospects through unique and personalized data sets.