A tool to manage LinkedIn connections, organize contacts, streamline inbox, enrich CRM data, and save time.
LeadDelta is a LinkedIn relationship manager that helps professionals organize and engage with their LinkedIn network. With over 10,000 satisfied users, LeadDelta allows users to tap into the untapped potential of their team's collective network to amplify their sales, hiring, or fundraising efforts. The platform offers features such as a connections manager to organize LinkedIn contacts in one place, a smart inbox to save time and never miss crucial conversations, data integration to enrich CRM with contacts' data, and workspaces for a single workspace for the company's relationships. LeadDelta has received a high rating of 4.9/5 on the Chrome Store and has been praised by many professionals for its usefulness in managing LinkedIn contacts and saving time and effort. It seamlessly integrates with LinkedIn and offers features like tags, notes, and search functions. LeadDelta also provides resources such as a blog, books, guides, webinars, and product tutorials. Overall, LeadDelta is a valuable tool for professionals looking to maximize the utility of their LinkedIn connections.