Lacona 2 for Mac
Lacona 2 for Mac
A robust utility enabling users to command Mac effortlessly with natural language, launch apps, find files and more.
Lacona 2 for Mac is a powerful utility that goes beyond simple searching and allows users to command their Mac. With the ability to open Lacona with a keystroke and type anything, users can instantly launch apps and find files without the need for extensive searching. The utility offers incredible speed and fuzzy matching, making it effortless to find apps, files, contacts, music, events, reminders, notes, and more. What sets Lacona apart is its natural language commands, which allow users to perform common tasks using plain English, with flexible autocomplete. Additionally, Lacona boasts extensive integrations with popular Mac apps like Things, Ulysses, Soulver, and more, allowing users to supercharge their favorite tools. Other notable features include the ability to search and launch apps, search system preferences, search, navigate, reveal, move, duplicate, and delete files, search and eject drives, open URLs, perform web searches, and even perform math calculations, unit conversions, currency conversions, and time zone math. Lacona also provides the ability to search and interact with contacts, calendar events, reminders, notes, music, maps, and more. The utility even allows users to make calls, send messages, emails, and tweets, as well as change system settings like audio input, output devices, and dark mode. Overall, Lacona 2 for Mac offers a productive and elegant solution for Mac users, providing a fast and efficient way to navigate and control their devices.