KWFinder by Mangools
KWFinder by Mangools
Allows for effective keyword research and analysis with competitor insights. Includes features for location-specific searches.
KWFinder by Mangools is a powerful keyword research and analysis tool that helps users find and analyze keywords that they can rank for. With KWFinder, users can easily search for keywords by entering a keyword or domain, and the tool provides exact search volumes and keyword difficulty data. It also allows users to see what keywords their competitors are ranking for, providing valuable insights for their own SEO strategy. Additionally, KWFinder offers historical search volumes and search trends, enabling users to identify seasonal keywords and hot topics that can boost their website's organic traffic. The tool also includes a feature for location-specific keyword research, with options to choose from over 50,000 locations worldwide. With a database of 2.5 billion related keywords, 100 million competitor keywords, and support for over 52,000 locations, KWFinder provides users with thousands of keyword ideas and is trusted by SEO experts and authorities in the industry. The tool is known for its intuitive interface, making it easy to use for both beginners and experienced users. KWFinder offers various pricing plans, starting from $19.90 per month, and comes with a 48-hour money back guarantee. Users can also try KWFinder for free with limited features, including 5 lookups per 24 hours, 15 related keywords, and 5 competitor keywords per lookup.