Keyword Tool
Keyword Tool
This tool enables efficient SEO and PPC keyword research, providing up to 750+ keyword suggestions per search term. It supports multiple languages and Google domains, offering insights for content optimization and marketing activities.
Keyword Tool is a highly reliable and efficient alternative to Google Ads Keyword Planner for SEO and PPC keyword research. It offers a free version that generates up to 750+ long-tail keyword suggestions for every search term. Unlike other keyword research tools, Keyword Tool works 99.99% of the time. It can be used for free, without the need to create an account. The tool helps business owners, online marketers, and content creators to attract more visitors to their website, increase content readership, and boost product or service sales. By analyzing search trends on Google, users can identify search terms related to their business domain and create customized content around those topics. Keyword Tool utilizes Google Autocomplete to generate relevant long-tail keywords for any topic in various languages and Google domains. The free version of Keyword Tool can generate up to 750+ keywords in seconds, while the advanced version, Keyword Tool Pro, offers double the number of keywords and additional features. It is a valuable tool for content creation, search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising, and other marketing activities. Keyword Tool stands out as one of the best free keyword research tools because it provides keyword suggestions that are often hidden in Google Keyword Planner. Unlike Keyword Planner, Keyword Tool does not hide popular, highly-searched, long-tail keywords that are useful for content marketing and SEO. The tool helps websites optimize their content by using keywords that the target audience is already searching for. This leads to higher rankings and increased traffic. Keyword Tool supports keyword research in multiple languages and countries, ensuring the generated keywords are relevant to the specific audience or location. Paid subscriptions, such as Keyword Tool Pro and Keyword Tool API, offer support for all Google domains, accurate search volume, cost-per-click, and Google Ads Competition Data. For PPC advertising campaigns, the tool assists in selecting the right keywords for better audience targeting, resulting in higher click-through rates, lower costs, and improved conversion rates. Keyword Tool has been featured in leading publications and websites, and many SEO experts rely on it to find long-tail and related keywords. Overall, Keyword Tool is a comprehensive and powerful tool that provides invaluable insights for effective keyword research and content optimization.