Streamlines the hiring process for small businesses, offering customizable application forms and an applicant tracking system.
Homerun is a hiring tool designed specifically for small businesses. With its easy-to-use interface and beautifully designed job posts, Homerun helps small businesses organize their hiring process in minutes. The software offers customizable application forms, allowing businesses to create a great candidate experience while eliminating the hassle of sifting through resumes in their inbox. Homerun also provides an applicant tracking system, allowing businesses to keep track of all their jobs in one simple dashboard. The software offers various templates for job descriptions, interview questions, and job posts, making it easy for businesses to get started on their hiring process. Additionally, Homerun provides resources such as guides and articles packed with hiring best practices and tips. The platform has garnered positive reviews, with an average rating of 4.7 on Capterra, an independent review site. Customer testimonials highlight the ease of use and professionalism of Homerun, as well as its ability to improve the overview of candidates and streamline the hiring process. Homerun also offers integrations with other popular apps, allowing businesses to build a personalized workflow. Customers can start a free trial of Homerun with no credit card required.