Google AppSheet
Google AppSheet
Allows users to build custom mobile and desktop apps without coding. Automates tasks, integrates data, and works with multiple software.
Google AppSheet is a powerful platform that allows users to easily build custom mobile and desktop applications without any coding required. With AppSheet, businesses can streamline their workflows, automate manual tasks, and integrate their data and software into one unified platform. The platform offers features such as capturing rich data through forms, barcodes, locations, signatures, and photos, as well as customizable features, user experience, security, and branding. Users can also create bots to automate tasks, send notifications, and incorporate machine learning models for intelligent document processing and optical character recognition. AppSheet integrates seamlessly with Google Workspace apps like Gmail, Sheets, and Spaces, as well as third-party apps such as Office 365, Dropbox, and Salesforce.com. Additionally, it can connect to SQL databases, Apigee, REST APIs, and OData. The platform has been praised by various businesses for its ability to prioritize development work, empower small businesses, enable real-time incident management, reduce trips to the office for mobile workforces, and more. Over 4 million apps have already been created using AppSheet. With its user-friendly interface and extensive capabilities, Google AppSheet is an essential tool for businesses looking to build custom apps and automate work processes.