Maximizes refunds and revenue for Amazon sellers by auditing and filing FBA reimbursements.
GETIDA is a global leader in FBA auditing and reimbursements for Amazon sellers. With e-commerce growing annually by at least 30%, it is becoming increasingly important to maximize revenue and minimize losses. GETIDA offers robust auditing software that tracks Amazon FBA inventory transactions, refunds, seller data analytics, and FBA reimbursements. Their dedicated case managers have established relationships with Amazon, allowing them to file reimbursement claims on behalf of their clients. GETIDA not only identifies potential reimbursement claims, but also files and follows up on all Amazon cases, providing a premium quality service. Sellers can join GETIDA for free, access FBA reimbursement data, receive free consulting, and more. GETIDA helps sellers recover money that would otherwise be lost, ensuring maximum FBA reimbursement recovery with minimal effort. Their platform allows sellers to focus on growing their business, while GETIDA handles the complexities of reimbursement claims. Testimonials from satisfied customers highlight the success of GETIDA in helping sellers reclaim significant amounts of money from Amazon. Overall, GETIDA offers a valuable and efficient solution for Amazon sellers to maximize their refunds and improve their overall revenue.