Free SFX
Offers 4500+ free sound effects and music tracks for multimedia and audiovisual productions.
Free SFX is a website that offers a wide range of free sound effects and music tracks for use in various multimedia and audiovisual productions. With more than 4,500 individual sound effect files and over 850 music tracks, the site provides a comprehensive collection of sounds that are fully catalogued and easily searchable. These sounds can be used in films, television programs, commercials, radio programs, public service announcements, games, apps, web sites, blogs, podcasts, and even live theatrical performances. However, there are some restrictions on the use of these sounds, such as not claiming them as your own or distributing them to others. The sounds must be mixed into other audio or visual elements in your project and credited to freesfx.co.uk. The website is continuously curating and adding new sounds every month to ensure a diverse and up-to-date collection. Overall, Free SFX is a valuable resource for anyone in need of high-quality sound effects and music tracks for their creative projects.