A responsive front-end framework ideal for designing stunning websites, apps, and emails on any device.
Foundation is the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world, with 29.3k GitHub stars. It is a family of responsive front-end frameworks that make it easy to design beautiful responsive websites, apps, and emails that look amazing on any device. Foundation for Sites is specifically designed to help people rapidly build content-focused websites, providing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for easy prototyping and customization. Foundation for Emails, on the other hand, helps craft responsive HTML emails that can be read anywhere on any device. Foundation is semantic, readable, flexible, and completely customizable. It offers clean markup without sacrificing utility and speed. In addition, it follows a mobile-first approach, allowing users to build for small devices first and then layer in more complexity for a complete responsive design as devices get larger. The framework is highly customizable, allowing users to include or remove certain elements, define the size of columns, colors, font size, and more. Millions of designers and developers rely on Foundation, making it the professional choice for those in the industry. It offers business support, training, and consulting services to help grow products and services. ZURB, the company behind Foundation, also provides comprehensive Foundation Training and Certification programs that teach valuable skills for building responsive sites and apps. Overall, Foundation is an essential tool for designers, developers, and teams looking to create responsive and visually stunning websites, apps, and emails. Its advanced features, customizability, and support make it a reliable choice for professionals in the industry.