An email marketing solution offering design, segmentation, and analytics for targeted, personalized campaigns.
Flodesk is an email marketing tool that aims to help businesses grow. With a simple and intuitive software, Flodesk allows users to design emails that people will love to receive, as well as create beautiful sales pages. The platform offers a free 30-day trial with no credit card required. Flodesk provides advanced segmentation features that allow users to organize subscribers into specific groups for more targeted content. It also offers deep personalization options to make subscribers feel like the emails are tailor-made for them. With a wide range of customizable templates, Flodesk ensures that businesses can showcase their brand across the internet. The platform also includes features such as form preferences, automations, flexible layouts, custom fonts, robust analytics, API integration, and e-commerce capabilities. Flodesk showcases success stories from its users, including one who made over $60,000 within hours of sending a single Flodesk email and another who made over $80,000 within a week of using Flodesk Checkout. The platform offers a flat rate pricing model, with unlimited access to all features and no platform fees. Additionally, Flodesk provides educational resources through Flodesk University and offers customer support via email. Overall, Flodesk is a comprehensive email marketing tool designed for businesses of all sizes.