A tool for real-time collaborative interface design, prototyping, and feedback collection.
Figma is a collaborative interface design tool that allows teams to efficiently design, prototype, develop, and collect feedback in one platform. With Figma, designers can work together in real-time, providing visibility throughout the design process. The tool also offers the ability to create realistic prototypes for quick iteration and testing. Figma recently introduced a new feature called Dev Mode, which brings designers and developers closer by providing the tools needed to translate designs into code. Additionally, Figma supports design systems, allowing for scalable design and development with reusable assets and standardized components. For collaboration beyond interface design, Figma offers FigJam, an online whiteboard where teams can collaborate on various activities. Figma provides a range of use cases, such as UI design, UX design, wireframing, diagramming, brainstorming, and agile workflows. They also offer templates for strategic planning, remote design, and agencies. Figma is trusted by teams at major companies and is available for both individual and enterprise use. The platform integrates with other tools, and resources such as blog posts, best practices, support, and a resource library are available for assistance. Figma is compatible with various operating systems and can be compared to other design tools like Sketch, Adobe XD, Invision Studio, Framer, and Miro. The company prioritizes privacy and security for its customers and offers a comprehensive set of features and resources to enhance the design process.