Featured Customers
Featured Customers
A trusted research platform for verified customer feedback, useful in making informed B2B purchasing decisions.
Featured Customers is a website that provides a comprehensive library of customer references, reviews, case studies, testimonials, and success stories for thousands of B2B software and service vendors. With over 1,538,806+ vendor-validated customer references, the platform aims to assist SMBs, mid-market, and enterprise businesses in making informed purchasing decisions. They are a trusted research platform for over 95% of the Fortune 1000 companies. The website offers a wide range of resources including 770,225+ B2B case studies, 116,207+ B2B customer videos, and 652,374+ B2B testimonials. The platform features customer references from various companies, providing detailed ratings and comments from satisfied customers. Businesses can browse customer references by company, view their profiles, and read the most recent reviews. Featured Customers also allows B2B vendors to get their company listed on the site, thereby influencing buyers through real customer references in the form of case studies, success stories, testimonials, and videos. Overall, Featured Customers is a valuable resource for businesses looking for authentic and verified customer feedback to guide their purchasing decisions for B2B software and services.