A zero-party data platform providing rapid, actionable marketing insights for improved personalization and conversion rates.
Fairing is a zero-party data platform that provides faster survey insights for marketing attribution, personalization, conversion rate optimization (CRO), and more. With Fairing, brands can gain actionable insights 10 times faster than other survey tools. The platform allows for the collection of consumer feedback tied to their own transaction data, which can be routed to the optimal destination in a brand's marketing stack to streamline the customer journey. Fairing helps improve marketing attribution, including attribution on "direct" traffic, leading to a 20%+ improvement. The platform offers Question Streamâ„¢, an always-on data stream that provides a timeline of questions targeted by customer journey criteria, along with customer ID, transaction data, and marketing parameters. It offers both quantitative and qualitative data, making it a comprehensive tool for understanding customer behavior. Fairing works with various e-commerce platforms, including Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, WooCommerce, and others. It also offers an SDK that can be integrated into any product or service with high transaction volume. Fairing integrates seamlessly with various marketing stacks, thanks to its custom-built integrations, partner workflows, and API requests. The platform has garnered positive feedback from customers, who appreciate the insights it provides for customer acquisition, marketing budget allocation, and tracking the impact of various channels, including TikTok. Fairing's data enriches customer-level marketing initiatives and provides operational insights that are invaluable for decision-making. Overall, Fairing is a powerful tool for brands looking to enhance their marketing efforts, personalize customer experiences, and optimize conversion rates.