Offers a robust channel for anonymity-protected issue reporting, helping foster transparency and safety.
FaceUp Whistleblowing System is a platform designed for companies and schools as an anonymous reporting channel for employees and students to disclose issues or concerns. With a focus on transparency and creating a safe environment, FaceUp aims to help build a transparent culture, combat bullying and harassment, and empower individuals to speak up. The system is compliant with GDPR and all whistleblower protection laws, ensuring the highest level of data protection and anonymity. Setting up the system is quick and easy, taking only 5 minutes to create a link and start collecting reports. FaceUp has been trusted by more than 2,700 organizations worldwide and has already processed over 10,000 reports. The platform offers customizable solutions, allowing users to edit forms, tweak categories, and design an organizational structure to match their own needs. Additionally, FaceUp provides 5 free school accounts to companies that join the platform, further supporting its mission to fight bullying in schools. The platform has received positive feedback from clients, emphasizing its data security, clear report management, simplicity, and pricing. FaceUp is ISO 27001 certified, GDPR compliant, and available in 113 languages. It has received awards and certifications such as the European Crime Prevention Award and the Social Responsibility Award, SDGs. Overall, FaceUp Whistleblowing System is an award-winning, secure, and user-friendly platform that helps organizations comply with whistleblower laws, promote transparency, and protect their reputation and assets.