eXo Platform
A comprehensive digital workplace software for efficient, collaborative work and secure knowledge management.
eXo Platform is a full-featured digital workplace software that offers everything your employees need to work efficiently and collaboratively. It is an open-source platform that provides a consumer-grade user experience and is easy to use. The software includes communication tools to build company culture and manage communities, collaboration tools for effective team-work across devices, productivity tools to boost engagement and productivity, and knowledge management tools to centralize and share company knowledge. eXo Platform is used by a wide range of organizations including the French Presidency. The software is secure, with enhanced application security and dedicated security features. It also offers integrations with other systems and has various use cases, including company intranets, collaboration platforms, knowledge management, and enterprise social networks. With a focus on internal communications, human resources, and information technology, eXo Platform is a versatile solution for any organization looking to improve their digital workplace.