eSign Genie
Allows secure creation of online signatures. Ensures maximized productivity and is compliant with regulations.
eSign Genie is an online signature platform that allows users to create online signatures quickly and securely. The platform offers a free trial and features a user-friendly interface for easy navigation. With eSign Genie, users can gather online signatures easily with intuitive and easy-to-use document templates. The platform also offers white label, embeddable, and bulk options for customization and scalability. eSign Genie is compliant with HIPAA, SOC2, and 21CFR Part11 regulations, ensuring secure and legally binding electronic signature processes. The platform also offers a developer-friendly API integration for seamless integration with other applications. Notably, eSign Genie requires 30% fewer clicks to eSign documents compared to other leading eSignature software options. The platform is available in 12 languages and has users across 60 countries, making it accessible and suitable for a wide range of users. In addition to its easy-to-use features, eSign Genie also emphasizes time-saving benefits by maximizing productivity. The platform allows for seamless integration with popular applications such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and WordPress. The template library provides access to premade templates of popular contracts, HIPAA declarations, Memorandum of Agreement (MOA), and more. Users can also take advantage of the platform's video tutorial and extensive support resources. Overall, eSign Genie is a cost-effective, secure, and comprehensive eSignature solution that simplifies the process of obtaining online signatures and streamlines document management.