Driver Easy
Utility tool to update Windows drivers, fix driver-related issues and offers system backup.
Driver Easy is a Windows driver updater tool that provides a free solution to all driver-related problems for Windows 11, 10, and 7. With over 3 million users worldwide, Driver Easy makes updating Windows drivers easy. The software has both a free and a paid version. The free version allows users to manually download and install drivers, while the paid version automatically installs all necessary drivers with just one click. Driver Easy can find and update drivers for various devices, including audio devices, graphic cards, network/ethernet cards, Wi-Fi cards, chipsets, printers, USB devices, Bluetooth devices, PCI cards, modems, CD/DVD drives, and scanners. The software also offers features such as auto restore point, auto system backup, the ability to roll back to previous driver versions, and free PC tech support. Additionally, Driver Easy provides detailed hardware information with embedded CPU-Z and allows offline scanning and downloading of network drivers on another PC. The paid version of Driver Easy is available for $29.95 for 3 PCs for 1 year, while the Technician version is available for $99.50 for 50 PCs for 3 days each. Customer testimonials praise Driver Easy for its user-friendly interface, efficient driver update process, and ability to fix computer issues caused by outdated drivers. For those who need assistance or have questions, Driver Easy offers support options such as FAQs, contact support, Windows Knowledge Base, driver certification, and a forum community. The website also provides information about the company, its blog, becoming an affiliate, press kits, and media coverage.