Discover Vagrant Boxes
Discover Vagrant Boxes
Find pre-configured virtual machine images for easier setup of development environments.
Discover Vagrant Boxes is a website that provides a comprehensive list of pre-configured virtual machine images for use with Vagrant, a popular tool for managing and distributing development environments. The site offers a wide range of Vagrant boxes from various providers, including virtualbox, vmware, libvirt, and more. These boxes cater to different needs, such as Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, Laravel local development, standard Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, CentOS Linux 7, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and more. Each box comes with its own set of features and compatibility with different providers. The website provides detailed information for each box, including the number of downloads, release dates, and supported providers. For example, the Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS box has been downloaded 30,592,541 times and was released almost 4 years ago. Customers can easily search for boxes and sort them based on downloads, recently created, or recently updated. Discover Vagrant Boxes is a valuable resource for developers and system administrators, offering a wide selection of pre-configured virtual machine images to streamline the setup of development environments.