A platform connecting users to professional designers for custom-made designs. Offers contest-based and direct hire services.
DesignContest is a platform that connects businesses and individuals with professional designers who compete to create unique designs tailored to their needs. With a history of delivering quality since 2003, DesignContest boasts a large pool of over 230,000 qualified designers who specialize in various design categories such as logo design, website design, T-shirt design, and label design. This platform offers two ways to get a design - by starting a contest and receiving dozens of design options created by talented designers, or by hiring a designer directly for a one-on-one project. DesignContest ensures the variety of designs, pre-qualified designers, and guarantees the absence of clipart. Customers also benefit from collaboration tools, the transfer of copyright, guaranteed delivery, and privacy. Additionally, DesignContest provides a money-back guarantee, ensuring customer satisfaction. The platform has hosted 13,589 contests, amassed a network of 311,823 professional designers, and has a satisfaction rate of 4.8/5. Customers can sign up for a free consultation, and the website offers a blog, forum, knowledge base, testimonials, and affiliate program. DesignContest LLC is committed to providing quality service and building long-lasting customer relationships.