Helps businesses reduce waste, donate excess food, and gain insight into food purchasing decisions
Copia™ is a revolutionary technology that helps businesses reduce food waste and address hunger issues. With the Copia app, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, corporate cafeterias, and other businesses can easily donate their excess food to local nonprofit recipients. This not only helps businesses save money by reducing over-purchasing and overproduction, but also provides enhanced tax deductions and access to powerful data for informed food purchasing decisions. In the United States, food waste costs Americans over $160 billion annually, but for every $1 invested in food waste reduction, businesses can expect a $14 return on investment. Copia™ offers a reliable and scalable service that ensures safe delivery of excess food, regardless of the size of the business. By partnering with Copia™, businesses can not only make a positive impact on the community but also gain access to streamlined tax deductions and receive materials to publicize their community impact. This innovative solution has already been successfully embraced by renowned businesses such as The Cheesecake Factory and Sutter Health. Join thousands of businesses across the United States and make a difference with Copia™.