A customizable platform for engaging community development with features like real-time chats, events, and advanced moderation tools.
Comradery is a customizable platform designed for building and developing communities. It offers a range of features and tools to help communities thrive, including threaded discussions, real-time chat, profile pages, events, and more. The platform focuses on engagement and real discussion, allowing members to participate in quick chats or longer discussions based on their preference. Comradery also provides weekly email digests to keep members updated effortlessly. With full customization options, users can tailor the look and feel of their community, use their own domain, and access all data through the API. Integration with Zapier allows for automated community workflows. The platform prioritizes community safety with advanced moderation, permission, blocking, and reporting tools. Additionally, it provides beautiful profile pages and member directories to help community members connect with each other. Comradery also offers a built-in events calendar, enabling the creation of thriving communities both online and offline.