Ensures compliance with AML regulations through identity verification and KYC solutions.
Cognito is a powerful identity verification and Know Your Customer (KYC) solution. With just a few lines of code, businesses can instantly achieve compliance with AML regulations, perform watchlist screenings, and more, on a global scale. Cognito offers a range of products, including Plaid Identity Verification and Monitor, which provide comprehensive ID verification services and compliance solutions. Their Flow product offers all-in-one ID verification that can be integrated in minutes, with features such as international ID verification, workflow management, and ID document and selfie checks. They also offer Screening, which provides modern AML compliance with global watchlist and PEP screenings, smart false-positive reduction, and scalable ongoing monitoring. Additionally, Cognito's Identity product offers frictionless ID verification starting with a phone number, optimized for conversions with simple API integration and industry-leading match rates. Cognito's solutions enable companies to meet compliance, fraud prevention, and trust and safety requirements throughout the entire customer lifecycle, from onboarding to ongoing watchlist screening. They have a strong emphasis on user experience and conversion optimization, achieving an average completion time of under 60 seconds and impressive pass rates. Furthermore, Cognito offers extensive developer support, with API documentation, a dedicated Slack room, and client SDKs for popular programming languages. Their integration options range from no code to full code implementation, catering to projects of all sizes and requirements. Cognito prioritizes security and compliance, encrypting personal information and undergoing regular compliance audits and tests. They continue to evolve their features in response to changing risk and compliance regulations. Overall, Cognito provides smarter identity verification and compliance solutions for high-growth businesses.