Helps users schedule and qualify leads in real-time for improved conversions and ease.
Caddie is a website platform that helps companies book more meetings and qualify leads in real-time. It aims to reduce friction in the buyer journey and increase conversion rates. With Caddie, companies can add calendar scheduling to their website, leading to a potential 150% increase in conversions. Additionally, prospects can self-qualify, eliminating slow qualification processes and improving the experience for both buyers and sales representatives. The platform also offers real-time lead routing based on complex conditions, automating the process and reducing the need for multiple touchpoints. Companies can fully automate their inbound qualification without the need for qualification calls, resulting in a 2% cost of an SDR or BDR. Caddie can be set up on a website in minutes, and it is designed to integrate with the company's revenue stack, boosting conversion rates by 50% or more. Testimonials from users highlight the positive impact of Caddie, with a significant increase in qualified meetings booked and opportunities created within the first few weeks. The platform aims to provide a 10x better buyer experience, ultimately driving more leads and conversions.