This platform simplifies work processes by creating adaptable project schedules and assigning tasks. Features prioritization, deadline setting, and progress tracking.
Burndown is an innovative project management tool that is designed to streamline and simplify your work processes. It allows you to combine all your work into a flexible and accurate project schedule, without replacing your existing project management tools. By using Burndown, you can adapt quickly and have a clear and comprehensive view of the big picture. The platform starts with a list of projects, where you can add deliverables and estimate the time required for each task. Burndown then automatically adds estimated completion dates and creates a project schedule. It also allows you to assign people to projects and automatically adjusts the schedule around vacation schedules. Additionally, you can prioritize projects and set deadlines, with the schedule automatically updating to ensure timely completion. The platform also enables real-time progress tracking, eliminating the need for status update requests. Burndown's smart scheduling feature immediately identifies conflicts in priorities, team capacity, or deadlines, saving time in planning meetings. With Burndown managing your schedule and communicating priorities, you can spend more time doing work and less time managing it. The platform provides complete visibility into your work schedule at all times. Burndown offers a free trial and is available at a cost of $5 per team member per month.