BR for You
Offers a customizable reading method with features like a library and synced content.
BR for You is a website that offers a reading method called Bionic Reading®. They provide 6 different apps compatible with Apple iOS and macOS, Google Android, Microsoft Windows, Google Chrome, and web. Users can choose from the free version called "Discover" or subscribe to the premium versions, "Premium" and "Premium Plus". The website showcases various testimonials from users who have experienced significant improvements in their reading speed and comprehension using Bionic Reading®. They have received international awards in the categories of "Excellence in Business to Business" and "Apps". The website also highlights the number of TikTok search results (882+ million) and the number of website visitors (5.5 million). Bionic Reading® offers features such as a library, synced content across all apps, and individual reading settings. They also provide support for different file formats and encourage users to report any issues they encounter to improve their service. Overall, BR for You aims to provide a unique and customizable reading experience to users, with a focus on individuality and personal needs.