A text marketing platform aimed at increasing orders and building customer loyalty with automated, measurable strategies.
Boostly is a text marketing platform designed to help businesses increase orders, engage with customers, drive reviews, and boost loyalty. It provides an automated and measurable marketing solution that requires minimal effort from users. Boostly has been trusted by various restaurants and has generated impressive results for its customers, including over 750 reviews generated and an ROI of 600%. The platform allows businesses to build a customer database, collect data from multiple sources, and ensure compliance with opt-in standards for text marketing. It also enables text marketing on autopilot, with features such as sending weekly specials and promotions and achieving 98% open rates within minutes. Boostly helps businesses get reviews and feedback, tracks negative trends, and allows for real-time issue resolution. The platform clearly tracks ROI through weekly reports, enabling businesses to evaluate the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Boostly has driven over five million dollars in revenue for its customers and has generated thousands of reviews for restaurants. The testimonials from satisfied restaurant owners emphasize the substantial results and the ease of using Boostly. With its customer-centric approach and measurable performance, Boostly is a trusted solution for businesses looking to enhance their marketing strategies and drive growth.