A mobile-specific CI/CD platform that heightens efficiency in testing, building, and deploying high-quality apps.
Bitrise is a Mobile DevOps platform that focuses on streamlining the development process for mobile apps. With Bitrise, developers can build, test, and deploy their apps quickly and reliably. The platform boasts impressive statistics, including a 95% increase in build success, a 75% decrease in build times, and an 80% decrease in testing time. These numbers highlight Bitrise's ability to cut build times, speed up releases, and deploy with confidence. Bitrise is built specifically for mobile development, offering features such as integration with code, a powerful remote build cache, automation with the SCM of your choice, and the ability to run builds locally with the CLI. The platform also provides flexibility and customization options, allowing users to customize Bitrise to fit their specific needs. One of Bitrise's standout features is automated code signing, which eliminates the need for manually updating code signing files. Bitrise can manage code signing during build time, ensuring that archiving and deployment happen without any issues. Additionally, Bitrise offers customizable private or dedicated environments, allowing users to choose between enhanced security with a dedicated build platform or custom configuration with a secure firewall and computing setup. Bitrise also focuses on mobile-specific testing, supporting UI, snapshot, and screenshot testing, among others. As the only CI/CD platform specializing in mobile development, Bitrise provides tailored solutions, integrations, and a streamlined workflow optimized for mobile app developers. The platform extends beyond development to automate release management tasks, offering transparency across all release processes and serving as a single control center for both iOS and Android releases. Bitrise has garnered recognition from over 100k happy developers, with testimonials highlighting its efficiency, ability to optimize builds for Apple Silicon, and decreased pipeline times. The platform offers a user-friendly interface and over 360 mobile-tailored steps ready to use. Overall, Bitrise is a top mobile CI/CD platform that simplifies development and ensures the efficient delivery of high-quality mobile apps. Its impressive statistics, mobile-specific features, and customizable options make it a reliable choice for developers looking to streamline their mobile development process.