Bear Blog
Bear Blog
A swift blogging platform prioritizing privacy, content, and simplicity with no extra scripts or ads.
Bear Blog is a privacy-first, no-nonsense, and super-fast blogging platform. With no trackers, no javascript, and no stylesheets, the focus is solely on your words. This blogging platform is designed to deliver content at lightning speed while ensuring the privacy and protection of your readers. Bear Blog shuns the bloat of the current web and embraces the bear necessities, ensuring that your blog looks great on any device. The platform is optimized, tiny in size, and without any trackers, ads, or scripts. Signing up takes only seconds, and you have the option to connect your custom domain. With free themes, RSS and Atom feeds, and the ability to publish something awesome with your "bear" hands, Bear Blog is built to last forever. Developed and maintained by Herman, this platform puts privacy and simplicity at the forefront. For more information, you can visit their Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, GitHub, Docs, and Roadmap pages.