Apptio Targetprocess
Apptio Targetprocess
Provides enterprise agile planning, promoting a single source of truth and faster decision-making.
Apptio Targetprocess is a powerful and flexible enterprise Agile planning solution that helps businesses adopt and scale agile methodologies across the organization. It allows businesses to achieve enterprise agility using frameworks such as SAFe, LeSS, or their own customized approach. The platform addresses common challenges faced by PMO and product leaders, such as blind spots, lack of a single source of truth, and missed opportunities. With Targetprocess, businesses can gain end-to-end visibility into work, resource assignments, and budgets, enabling better decision-making. The platform promotes alignment by providing a single source of truth that is aligned with strategic objectives. It also enhances agility by allowing businesses to adapt quickly to changes and achieve full business agility. Targetprocess connects strategy to execution and facilitates outcomes, value delivery, and overall improvements. The platform has been recognized as a leader for enterprise Agile planning tools in the Gartner Magic Quadrant. Customers using Targetprocess have seen benefits such as 5X-10X faster decision-making, 3%-5% YoY increase in ROI from digital initiatives, and 50% faster time to market. The platform offers a flexible architecture that adapts to the operating model of the business and ensures a fast time to value with hassle-free implementation. It also enables pivot and adaptability, ensuring visibility and connectedness between Agile and financial teams. Apptio Targetprocess is trusted by leading Agile adopters and offers consulting services to help businesses accelerate Agile at scale.