Apple's App Store
Apple's App Store
Platform for downloading and discovering nearly 2 million apps. Privacy, security, and content highly prioritized.
The App Store by Apple is a trusted and safe platform for discovering and downloading apps. It offers nearly two million apps, available worldwide in over 40 languages through 175 storefronts. The App Store is designed for discovery, with daily updates of stories and collections curated by expert editors. Users can explore in-app events like movie premieres and gaming competitions. The search experience allows users to discover amazing apps, and there are over 20,000 stories available. Privacy and security are prioritized, with all apps automatically screened for known malware and over 215,000 submissions rejected for privacy violations. Apps must adhere to guidelines, and over 1 million submissions have been rejected for objectionable or illegal content. In terms of trust and safety, every week over 500 dedicated experts review over 100,000 apps. The App Store also ensures a secure payment experience with over 900,000 apps supporting secure payment technologies like Apple Pay and StoreKit. In 2022, developers generated $1.1 trillion in the App Store ecosystem, and small developers saw a revenue growth of 71% from 2020-2022. Additionally, the App Store stopped over $2 billion in fraudulent transactions in 2022. Overall, the App Store provides a rich and reliable platform for users to discover, download, and enjoy a wide range of apps while upholding high standards for privacy, security, and content.