Provides end-to-end automation for analytics and data science, accelerating digital transformation.
Alteryx is a data science and analytics automation platform that offers end-to-end automation of analytics, machine learning, and data science processes. Their platform helps accelerate digital transformation by providing unified and approachable analytics within a single platform. Alteryx provides a range of cloud native and cloud connected products, including Designer Cloud, Auto Insights, Machine Learning, and Location Intelligence, each designed to meet specific needs in data analysis and automation. The platform also offers flexible solutions for different business initiatives, industries, and roles. Alteryx provides resources such as a blog, glossary, starter kits, and certification programs to support users in their analytics journey. They also host events like Inspire and Alter.Next to provide education and insights into the future of analytics. Alteryx is trusted by global enterprises and has a strong customer base, with many customer success stories highlighting the value and cost-saving results achieved through their platform.