Allows adding calendar and event functionalities to websites and newsletters, increasing attendance rate.
AddEvent.com is a website that provides a range of add to calendar and event tools for websites and newsletters. They offer add to calendar buttons, embeddable widgets, RSVP functionality, and subscriber tools to make it easy to share events and calendars. AddEvent is trusted by over 232,117 companies of all sizes and industries, and they are the number one "add to calendar" service on the internet. Their tools are designed to increase attendance rates, drive customer engagement, and build brand awareness. They offer various options for sharing events, collecting RSVPs, and creating subscription calendars. They also provide tools for embedding calendars on websites and sending event information through email campaigns. AddEvent's services are highly customizable and require no coding experience. They are known for their beautiful designs and user-friendly interface. The site also offers automated events, allowing users to dynamically update event parameters for individual users. AddEvent is suitable for marketing purposes, small businesses, project managers, PR/communication teams, and developers. It integrates with popular tools like Zapier, Mailchimp, Marketo, Salesforce, Constant Contact, and Hubspot. Their website includes a help center, pricing information, and testimonials from satisfied customers. Overall, AddEvent.com provides comprehensive and customizable solutions for adding calendar and event functionality to websites and newsletters.